30 Mumpreneurs needed
I am looking to speak with 30 Winchester self-employed mums who find tax taxing but still want to do the right thing.
Are you my next research participant?
If you’re a self-employed Mum and operate your small business from home, I’d love to speak to you about how you manage the madness of money and motherhood while keeping vaguely on top of the tax and record keeping bits of your business.
In exchange for a short, confidential interview (30 minutes), I’m offering you 7 surprising money saving tips to help make your business more sustainable.
We’ll be chatting about the records you keep, the most challenging parts of managing your money, the kind of support you’ve been getting to date and what’s been missing for you.
This research will be invaluable in making sure the services and packages I create genuinely meet the very real needs of people just like you.
Book in for a research interview
I’d love to hear from you (or any of your contacts) who might fit this profile. Please email Karen on [email protected] making sure you include your name, business phone number, email address and the best time of day for your 30 minutes interview (morning, afternoon or evening), how you would prefer to do the survey (phone or email) and any message you would like to include for me in advance.
Thank you. I really look forward to the opportunity of including you in my research.
Karen Upcraft
The Winchester Bookkeeping Company